last year we were proud to announce the creation of our NEW cricket competition being held within the Medway Towns. In partnership with Medway Council and Medway Sporting Legacy, The Medway Towns Cricket Association and Cricket Medway hosted and ran the MEDWAY 100 BALL BASH 2019!
We used the 100 ball concept and created a new and exciting format of the game, with an aim to develop all cricketers and to bring a new "buzz" and excitement to youth cricket.
The 2019 competition targeted two age groups; Under 12's and Under 14's.
Please see our 100 BALL BASH HONOURS BOARD.
We are now pleased to announce our 2020 competition! The deadline for this competition is 5pm on Friday 20 March 2020.
Once again, the competition is FREE
for clubs to enter. We are taking applications for clubs outside of Medway that wish to enter.